Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What, I'm Not Supposed to Laugh at Them?

I've been a teacher for 12 years and every one of those years have been in middle school.  There are moments, every single day, where I have to put on my poker face to keep from losing it with my students.  Most of the time, I am dying to laugh, but either don't want to egg them on or don't want to make them feel bad.  You would think, with all that practice, that raising two four-year-olds would be a piece of cake!  So very not true!

I actually have to leave the room many times to keep from laughing at, not with, my children.  It wasn't too bad when they were really little because they didn't understand that laughing at someone could be mean!!  I probably should feel bad about it, but I can't help it!  My kids are funny.  Especially when they aren't trying!  (Actually, only when they aren't trying!  They still SUCK at telling jokes!)

Like last weekend.  For some unknown reason, my sillies have started putting pjs on to take naps.  I use the word "nap" loosely, because what they actually do is see how long they can get away with constantly leaving their rooms to drive me nuts, but whatever.

Anyway, after "nap", I hear, "Uh-oh" from the boy.  I look up to see him with his pants down and a troubled look on his face.

"What's wrong, buddy?"  (Unfortunately, the lack of properly worn pants is not alarming in and of itself!)

"I forgot to put underpants on!  Oh wait!  There they are!"

Um, What???  How do you not know if you have underpants on?  And how do you forget underpants in the first place?  Especially since I know he had them on before nap??  What exactly is going on during nap time?  Never mind!  I really don't want to know!

Cue Mommy running in the other room so my sensitive boy won't hear me snort!

And it's not just him!  Just last night, Elena was doing something annoying.  (The fact that I don't remember what it was, tells you what kind of night we were having!)

I, in a moment of mommy-brillance, snapped, "Elena, how many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that?"

Without skipping a beat, Elena responded, "27!"

I probably should have gotten pissed at her smartass-ery, but I thought it was hilarious!!   Once again, running out of the room to avoid getting caught snorting!

I read somewhere that if you are going to laugh about something later on, you might as well laugh now, but I don't think this is what they meant!  I am probably creating a monster of sarcasm in my children or   at the very least scaring them for life.

Oh well, I have to give them something to talk about later on in therapy, right?

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