Monday, August 12, 2013

How to Raise Heathens


Church is quickly turning into a four-letter word around here.

I'm not trying to raise saints, here, but I would like to take my little monkeys to church without worrying that the building will burst into flames from the lightning brought on by their, well, shall we say, lack of enthusiasm.  It's a little better when I divide and conquer and only bring one, but inevitably, someone says or does something that is embarrassing at best and curse-worthy at worst!

The Recent Evidence:

  • Walking into church, Antonio sees a statue.  It is a beautiful replica of Michelangelo's Pieta.  Stunning.  Breathtaking, really.  Antonio's reaction?  To exclaim, loudly of course, "Cindalella!!!"  (Maybe it's time for less Disney?)
  • Elena singing along with the congregation.  Cute, right?  Until the song is over and she continues to sing.  Still cute, though.  Until you hear the words.  "Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb"
  • Antonio launching the program off the balcony.  At least the people behind us were amused.  And lesson learned.  Never sit in the front row of the balcony!
  • Elena yelling, "Jesus is BAD!!" in her best devil-voice!

There is only so many ways for me to threaten encourage them to behave before I need to go to confession.  A never-ending loop of good intentions canceled out by bad behavior and cursing (mostly by me!  They usually remember about "adult words" by now!)

So, what to do?  Admit defeat and sneak out and go to church alone?  (Only the boy would be upset by this.  The girl has told me she only wants to go to church for festivals!)  Trudge on and force the issue? (Probably the entire church congregation and my blood pressure would be upset by this.)  Try to sneak through the communion wine line a few times?  (Positive the priest and God would frown on this plan!)

Like so many things in motherhood, I'm not sure what the right thing is.  But one thing I am absolutely sure of is that this, like all negative things I see in my children, certainly comes from their father!!

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